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What Are the Best Team Building Events in Orlando?

Orlando, Florida, is the perfect place to organize your next team building event. With its year-long sunshine, plenty of outdoor and indoor attractions, vibrant nightlife, and theme parks, Orlando is a great destination for a corporate event. In addition, planning a team building event in Orlando can positively impact your team’s performance.

The best fun team building activities in Orlando include exercises to help participants develop crucial skills for the workplace. Therefore, the goal of every team building session should include fun activities to promote good team communication skills, problem-solving abilities, mutual trust and respect, teamwork, and good collaboration.

The benefits of team building events in Orlando extend beyond workplace relationships. A team outing can boost your business and its bottom line. This is because planning a fun team event in Florida shows how you value your employees. And employees who feel valued and rewarded are generally happier, more productive employees.

This article explores the many reasons to organize corporate team building events in Orlando, FL. In addition, you will find out the best outdoor and indoor events for your next company outing in the Sunshine State.

Why Choose Orlando for Team Building Events

Team building events in Orlando are an ideal way to strengthen company culture. Orland is located in central Florida and enjoys a subtropical climate with mild winters and hot, humid summers–after all, the city is in the Sunshine State. Therefore, you are guaranteed warm weather whenever your company event takes place.

FullTilt Team Development has many years of experience organizing corporate team building activities in Florida’s third-largest city.

What does Orlando have to offer on a corporate outing? The city is synonymous with amusement and theme parks like Disney World, Universal Studios, Legoland, and Sea World. However, there is more to do in Orlando than visiting theme parks. There are golf courses, a zoo, catboat adventures, and water activities at Lake Eola park.

team building orlando

And suppose you happen to plan an Orlando team building event in the rainy season. In that case, there are a ton of indoor activities. Here are a few ideas:

  • Virtual reality gaming
  • Escape rooms
  • Indoor golf driving bays
  • Indoor karting
  • Theaters

So, apart from hosting fun-filled company events, your employees will have plenty to do during their downtime.

Picture: Orlando skyline with Lake Eola Park in the foreground.

Plan a Corporate Event in Orlando With FullTilt

Planning a corporate event in Orlando with FullTilt is the perfect way to bring your team together and build strong relationships. Our experienced staff will work with you to create an unforgettable experience for your team, whether a corporate retreat or part of your team building program.

orlando team building events
Lake Eola Park

Plus, our events are tailored to fit your company’s needs. Our experienced facilitators will discuss your team building goals and requirements to create a bespoke program. Then you just have to sit back and relax to let FullTilt organize all the details, including transport, catering, accommodation, and hosting fun events.

The Best Outdoor Team Building Events in Orlando, FL

Orlando is ideal for organizing outdoor team events, especially for organizations based in North America. The warm, dry season lasts from November through April, when temperatures rarely drop below 75°F. So whether you are looking for a fun city scavenger hunt, water activities, or outdoor Olympics, there is something for everyone in Orlando.

The Cardboard Boat Build

Are you looking for a unique team building experience in Orlando? Then, the Cardboard Boat Build event is the perfect team activity for your group.

This interactive challenge requires teams to build a boat out of cardboard and duct tape that will actually float. Then, the team must work together to design, construct and launch their boat. This activity is great for helping groups learn communication, collaboration, problem-solving, creativity, and resilience.

It’s also a great way to spend a few hours outdoors and enjoy the Florida sunshine. We can organize this event in one of the many outdoor swimming pools in the Orlando area.

team building activities orlando
Team building image: Cardboard Boat Build even in Orlando

Call FullTilt to organize this event if you want a fun day of bonding, healthy competition, and camaraderie.

Key lessons from the Cardboard Boat Build:

  • Develop solid team skills
  • Improve communication and problem-solving abilities
  • Learn teamwork under pressure

The Art of Flight

The Art of Flight is a fun team building event in Orlando that will take your group to new heights.

This stimulating interactive activity encourages teams to collaborate to create an aircraft using everyday materials such as cardboard, string, and paper. The result is a unique flying machine. Points are based on flight distance, aerodynamics, and functionality.

The benefits of the team building activity are that the event includes fundamental elements of business. These can be adjusted to match your company’s objectives, goals, and culture.

Through this team activity, participants learn the importance of trust, communication, collaboration, and creativity. In addition, individual team members must cooperate in planning and budgeting their airplane design. Finally, we can introduce curveballs to challenge teams to develop more intuitive solutions to make the event more exciting.

orlando team building events activities
Team building image: The Art of Flight – fun activity in Orlando

Key lessons from the Art of Flight:

  • Build team morale by encouraging teamwork and success
  • Learn how to manage time to complete projects
  • Business skills like planning, budgeting, and marketing

Beach Olympics

Beach Olympics is a great team building event in Orlando that combines fun, games, and the sunny outdoors. Orlando is an hour or two drive from some of the most spectacular beaches on the East Coast. And, because of its central location, you can choose between the Gulf or Atlantic Coast.

But you don’t need a beach to enjoy this activity. FullTilt can organize Beach Olympics in any of the parks or open green areas in Orlando.

Beach Olympics encourages healthy competition and teamwork. Individual teams compete in various challenges such as tug-of-war, obstacle courses, scavenger hunts, volleyball, and more.

These sporty activities are designed to promote teamwork, camaraderie, and team bonding while having fun at the same time. We also ensure that activities are suitable for everyone in the group and are not too strenuous. The team that wins the Olympic challenges walks away with the Gold Medal.

Key lessons from Beach Olympics:

  • The importance of collaboration and teamwork
  • Improved communication skills
  • Team bonding experience through participation in fun games

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Kidnapped: A Rescue Mission

Kidnapped: A Rescue Mission is an exciting team-building event in Orlando that brings out the inner detective in everyone. Participants are divided into teams and must solve a kidnapping case and rescue the victim. Throughout various stages, teams pick up clues to progress to the next stage.

The Rescue Mission teaches the importance of quick decision-making and team cohesiveness. Teamwork is the only way to discover clues and save the victim. Therefore the entire team must learn how to effectively communicate, strategize and solve problems—important skills for any successful team.

kidnapped six elements team building full tilt

With Kidnapped: A Rescue Mission, your team can have a thrilling experience while learning valuable lessons about cooperation and collaboration. In an outdoor setting, this team activity doubles as a city scavenger hunt and lets participants explore parts of Orlando.

Key lessons from Kidnapped–A Rescue Mission:

  • Mutual trust, reliance on others, and respect
  • Conflict resolution
  • Improved awareness of the importance of teamwork

The Best Indoor Team Building Activities in Orlando

Orlando is a great year-long destination for team building activities. However, how can you enjoy fun events during the rainy season? The answer—organize indoor team building events in Orlando.

Here are four of the most popular team event for the Sunshine State’s third-largest city.

Junkyard Orchestra

If you’re looking for a fun and unique team building activity in Orlando, look no further than Junkyard Orchestra. This offbeat collaborative event combines music and teamwork to create a non-competitive yet enjoyable experience.

With Junkyard Orchestra, the focus is on unified collaboration, planning, rehearsing, and execution. The team activity teaches participants how to combine separate elements to create a united finished product—a valuable lesson for any team. In addition, this event allows hidden individual talents to shine.

How does Junkyard Orchestra work? First, teams have a selection of instruments using everyday items such as buckets, boxes, cans, and more. Then team members must combine their creative minds and create a song using makeshift instruments. It’s guaranteed to be an unforgettable experience that your team won’t soon forget.

With this team event, there are no winners or losers. Instead, everyone has the chance to participate and receive recognition for their role.

Key lessons from Junkyard Orchestra:

  • Learning the importance of synergy
  • Overcoming problems to create solutions
  • Recognizing unique individual talents

Plan a Charitable Team Building Event in Orlando

Planning a charitable team building event in Orlando is an excellent way to give back to the community while providing team bonding lessons. FullTilt has developed our “Anything it Takes” charity event. We link up with non-profit and charity organizations in Orlando to help and support local causes.

Organizing charity events as part of a team building program strengthens company culture and boosts employee engagement. This is because giving back can be fun and meaningful, letting your team work together to create something special.

This unique program is entirely flexible and can incorporate a wide range of activities. These can include pottery classes for seniors, building play equipment for local schools, or wheelchair building.

orlando corporate charity event

“Anything it Takes” is also a great opportunity for team members who don’t normally interact to get to know each other in a different setting. So if you want a unique and fulfilling way for your team to bond, look no further than planning a charitable team building event in Orlando.

Key lessons from organizing a charity team event in Orlando:

  • Thinking outside the box problem solving
  • The importance of empathy in a corporate setting
  • Teamwork, planning, and collaboration

Mandala Leadership Challenge

The Mandala Leadership Challenge is an excellent team building activity for companies looking to boost morale and foster collaboration in the workplace. Based on ancient Asian artwork, the Mandala Leadership Challenge allows teams to create unique, colorful mandalas that they combine to create an eye-catching collage.

As the team works together to complete their mandala, their communication and problem-solving skills are challenged. This allows them to build trust and work better as a unit. Additionally, the activities are all-inclusive and help foster unity and togetherness.

The result of the activity is an eye-catching visual representation of their teamwork that can be displayed in the office or taken home as a keepsake. Not only does this activity provide an engaging experience for your team, but it also serves as a beautiful reminder of the importance of teamwork, respect, and unity within your organization.

Key lessons from the Mandala Leadership Challenge:

  • Improved professional and personal relationships
  • Teamwork and good communication skills
  • The importance of participating and cooperating with others

End Hunger Games

Drawing inspiration from the Hunger Games series, FullTilt has developed the “End Hunger Games”–a simple team building activity with a charitable angle.

Teams must get creative with their strategies by using non-perishable food items to complete various challenges. Participants work together to create a unique design. This event promotes collaboration and problem-solving skills. It also gives teams a sense of fulfillment knowing that their hard work has contributed to helping those in need.

end hunger games event in Orlanda

The End Hunger Games is a great opportunity for your organization to show its support for local communities with initiatives that work towards ending hunger in Central Florida.

Key lessons from End Hunger Games:

  • Promote empathy, camaraderie, and collaboration
  • Make a sizeable food donation to a local charity
  • Encourage employee engagement and strengthen company culture

Choose FullTilt for Your Next Team Building Event in Orlando

Are you looking for fun corporate team activities for off-site locations in Central Florida? If so, choose FullTilt Team Development for your next team building event in Orlando. The trained facilitators at FullTilt are on hand to develop tailor-made activities to suit your budget, team goals, and objectives.

Contact us today at 310-400-6285 or by using this online contact form to start planning your next event in Orlando, FL.